When it all comes down, I just fail to see how the handbook doesn't
provide the pointers. I've always been about getting my system up and
running, and then learn whatever needs learning, this means that whilst I
didn't have more than a basic knowledge and understanding of useflags when
installing, that knowledge has grown due to necessity of using gentoo to
it's full potential. I think setting up useflags should be left to the
user. A system can be recompiled should the need arise.
The reason I chose gentoo as my distribution was that, it seemed to me
that it gives you a basic knowledge of the system and then encourages to
gain and apply further knowledge according to need.
But again, the handbook gives all the necessary pointers, albeit there can
occur conflicts that are outside of the range of the handbook, but that's
why the forums and the irc channels are there :-)
On Mon, 26 Oct 2009 22:58:57 +0100, Richard Freeman <ri...@gentoo.org>
I don't see why having some nice polished sets of use flags is a bad
thing. Personally, I find it a pain when I've emerged half of my system
only to find out I left out some critical use flag (my use flags take up
several lines now). Sure, leave users a choice, but there is no harm in
giving them some pointers.
Gentoo should be fully usable in a USE="" state, but that doesn't mean
that we need to make users start out from this point.
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