On Sun, 11 Oct 2009 13:11:14 +0200
Peter Hjalmarsson <x...@rymdraket.net> wrote:

> Sorry for reviving an old thread, but was there any progress on this
> topic?
> With packages as dbus that breaks with FEATURES/USE="test" hand in hand
> with packages like dev-libs/gmp[1] there would really be nice to know if
> you are supposed to be screwed or helped by FEATURES/USE="test"...

A week isn't old. ;)  I'll add it once the flu and homework let up for a

fonts,                             Character is what you are in the dark.
wxwidgets @ gentoo     EFFD 380E 047A 4B51 D2BD C64F 8AA8 8346 F9A4 0662

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