On 20:46 Sun 13 Sep     , Ryan Hill wrote:
> On Sat, 12 Sep 2009 14:15:34 +0200
> Sebastian Pipping <webmas...@hartwork.org> wrote:
> > Ryan Hill wrote:
> > > Personally I don't see how gaming the system helps us in any way.
> > 
> > I was afraid it could be read in such a way.  Handing out fake version
> > numbers would be much easier, wouldn't it?  I want every single package
> > int he tree to be stable, up to date and polished.  But as our resources
> > are limited let's focus on packages that are most important first.
> That's actually what I meant by gaming the system.  We could keep those
> particular packages up to the minute, but it wouldn't reflect the state of
> our distro as a whole.  It's a false metric and I don't see the advantage in
> pandering to it.  It's much more important that our packages actually work
> together than have the highest numbers.

At the same time, we also want to ensure that any badly out-of-date 
packages on there aren't outliers that reflect poorly on our actual 
average status. And frankly, having any way to monitor popular yet 
outdated packages is a good thing.


Donnie Berkholz
Developer, Gentoo Linux
Blog: http://dberkholz.wordpress.com

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