Hello *,

I am fixing a bug (#284080) in a ebuild (sci-visualization/mayavi-3.3.0). I have a fix that installs on my box fine, all deps are satisfied. I try to commit it, but repoman issues a lot of errors like

RDEPEND.bad                   25
sci-visualization/mayavi/mayavi-3.3.0.ebuild: ~x86(default/linux/x86/10.0) ['>=dev-python/envisageplugins-3.1.1', '>=dev-python/apptools-3.3.0', '>=dev-python/envisagecore-3.1.1']

I cannot understand what's bad about these rdepends: the ebuild is "~amd64 ~x86" and all 3 deps are "~amd64 ~x86" too; they are not masked.

OK, I want to understand what's happening. So, I copy the existing mayavi-3.3.0.ebuild from the tree and run repoman again. And I get the same error messages! I suppose this means that repoman has changed after mayavi-3.3.0.ebuild was committed (otherwise, how it got to the tree?). And I still don't understand how I can fix the bug.


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