
On Sun, 12 Jul 2009, Sebastian Pipping wrote:
> Here are precise commands you need to run:
>   # git clone git://git.goodpoint.de/smolt-gentoo.git
>   # cd smolt-gentoo
>   # git checkout -b gentoo origin/gentoo
>   # cd client/distros
>   # python gentoo.py |& less
> Again, no data is submitted, just locally collected and presented.
> Please send your feedback to the list;  collected data better goes
> to <sebast...@pipping.org> if you are willing to share it.

I've tried this on my private dev alpha machine as well as the
teams dev machine, both look ok to me. My everyday workstation
(amd64) looks quite ok, too. The only thing I noticed is this:

DeprecationWarning: the sets module is deprecated

which is due to Python 2.6 being my default interpreter.

Interestingly, my cross-compile alpha setup (created using
crossdev) is noticed as a "secret package" - I presume that is on

In all, very nicely done!

printk (KERN_DEBUG "Somebody wants the port\n");

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