On Sat, Jun 20, 2009 at 1:58 PM, Ulrich Mueller<u...@gentoo.org> wrote: >>>>>> On Sat, 20 Jun 2009, Vlastimil Babka wrote: > >> it was brought up by ulm that the news item >> '2009-04-18-java-config-wrapper-0.16' has an illegal name because it >> contains a dot. > > I stumbled upon this when I experimented with news to e-mail > forwarding, where there are some limitations for the characters > allowed in headers. Of course everything can be filtered, but things > would be easier if we could stick to the GLEP 42 specification > (namely "a"-"z", "0"-"9", "+", "-", and "_"). > >> The question is what to do now, rename it? Users will then see it >> again, and I don't know if there are even worse consequences. > >> Betelgeuse suggested also commit hook that would check filenames. > > Infra, would this be possible? Only files with names > yyyy-mm-dd-shortname.lang.txt and yyyy-mm-dd-shortname.lang.txt.asc > (for detached signature) should be allowed, and character set as > mentioned above.
Write a script that checks filenames and give it to Robin (and make sure it doesn't suck). These types of things tend to get done faster when you just say "here is the script to do X drop it into place plz." > > Ulrich > >