Alistair Bush <> posted,
excerpted below, on  Fri, 26 Jun 2009 08:50:22 +1200:

> I realise that ciaranm has had a nasty past.  But recently I haven't see
> anything.  I for one hope that this continues and that other members of
> the community take a look at themselves before spouting about the evils
> of ciaramn.


Still, it did raise my eyebrows to see him mentioned as a proxy.  While 
he has a good point that it doesn't seem to be in the rules, IMO it's 
simply too divisive at present.  Maybe in five years or a decade...
now's not the time (again, IMO).


>> While the other candidates certainly have great merits, they tend
>> to only see one side and concentrate too much on Gentoo alone.

Being open to cooperation is one thing.  But when it makes a difference, 
Gentoo council members /should/ be primarily concerned with Gentoo. with 
cooperation with others important, but definitely secondary to the well-
being of Gentoo.  After all, it's the /Gentoo/ council, not the 
/community/ council.

Were I voting (I'm not), I'd vote on what I saw as the merits of 
individual members in regard to Gentoo, preferably without regard to 
Exherbo or other community involvement, tho now that it's specifically 
posted, I'd likely count that as a minor negative for all but one, 
choosing one where it'd be a minor positive, as I see no problem with 
having a single person who can present issues for another part of the 
community, but again, it's not the Exherbo council, it's the Gentoo 
council, and IMO it should behave as it's labeled.  Dual allegiances 
aren't a big issue in themselves if they're spread out enough, but 
weighed as heavily toward one external entity as suggested here isn't a 
good thing at all IMO.

But if that's what gets voted in, well, I guess the devs have spoken, as 
I suppose they have if all those candidates now get ranked below 

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