
Here I come again with another gsoc update. Nearly weekly (10 days) but
still better than nothing ;)

Last time, I was talking about an ebuild for packagekit soon. Actually,
packagekit is not useful without a pretty frontend. I am using
gnome-packagekit but packagekit and gnome-packagekit moved to
policykit-0.92 and gnome-policykit-0.92 which are new. Policykit-0.92 is
masked in the tree (thanks mrpouet) but gnome-policykit is nowhere at
the moment. So as I'm not able to add gnome-policykit. Ebuilds are going
to wait.
A probable fix will be to add packagekit masked in the tree and
gnome-packagekit with gnome-policykit in gnome-overlay. We will see.

So, where is portage support in packagekit ?
We know have a support for all functionalities. Even repository
management with layman api. By the way, with zmedico, we were talking
about a possible merge of layman in portage (ie. have a repository
management system directly in portage). It could be done maybe at the
end of the gsoc or even after.
Now, I'm working on having a clean and best as possible portage
management with packagekit. For example, packagekit is having a filter
system which help user to filter showed content (mostly when searching
something). Some filters proposed by packagekit can't be added now
because portage/ebuilds don't support them but they could be good adds
for Gentoo ebuilds. I will speak about them in a further email. They are
not needed for my gsoc because that's clearly not key features but for
further developments, that would be great to have them.

So, next developments are going to improve integration for search-* and
get-* functions. Basically, every non-critical functions. That will be
done by discussing portage needs and adding messages / errors specific
to portage if needed.
After that, install-* and update-* functions will have to be improved.
That will surely be a bigger work.

Thanks for reading.


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