"Robin H. Johnson" <robb...@gentoo.org> posted
robbat2-20090621t215006-7395728...@orbis-terrarum.net, excerpted below, on
 Sun, 21 Jun 2009 15:09:41 -0700:

>> Any concerns or ideas for improvement?
> /usr/portage might NOT be from the public rsync. - Many devs have it
> straight from CVS. - Infra has it stripped of a lot of GUI packages
> (like gnome, kde etc).

Plus, the PORTDIR setting in /etc/make.conf controls where portage looks 
for the tree.  It doesn't have to be /usr/portage.  Here, it's /p (which 
is a symlink to /str/portage).  Now I do happen to have /usr/portage as a 
symlink to /p, just in case something stupid still has the location hard-
coded, but not everyone will have a /usr/portage at all, and in theory, 
it could in fact be a private overlay or even a user's private home dir.

Of course there's also the small detail that not everyone even uses 
portage, as there are two other Gentoo-pms (package management spec) 
compatible package managers in the tree, paludis and pkgcore.  But 
portage is still the official Gentoo package manager, and support for the 
others can always be added later, if desired.

Duncan - List replies preferred.   No HTML msgs.
"Every nonfree program has a lord, a master --
and if you use the program, he is your master."  Richard Stallman

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