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Hi again.

Jorge Manuel B. S. Vicetto wrote:
> Hello fellow developers and users.
> Nominations for the Gentoo Council 2009/2010 are now open for the next
> two weeks (until 23:59 UTC, 14/06/2009).

The "voting booth" has now opened and his waiting for you in woodpecker.
Be sure to run "votify --help" as suggested by the "informative" motd
set by Shyam (fox2mike).

Quick voting helper:
$ votify --new council200906 [1]
$ $(editor) .ballot-council200906 [2]
$ votify --verify council200906 [3]
$ votify --submit council200906 [4]

 [1] - create a ballot in your home dir with the name of all the devs
running for the election
 [2] - rank devs according to your preference (names at the top have
precedence over names at the bottom and all names in the same line have
the same preference)
 [3] - important step to verify your ballot and ensure there is nothing
wrong with it
 [4] - don't forget to submit your ballot or it won't count!!!

>     * Voting is opened from June 16th 00H00 UTC to June 30th 23H59 UTC
>       (there is one day of break between nominations and voting so the
> infra team has time to set up everything)

As you may have noticed, this means there'll be 15 days to vote and not
14 days. As I made a mistake in the original mail, we'll let it run the
extra day instead of causing any confusion by respecting the 14 days
voting period - so there'll be one less excuse not to vote! ;-)

> The page listing all nominations is here:
> http://www.gentoo.org/proj/en/elections/council-200906-nominees.xml

We'll update the page with links to the manifestos as they came in -
devs running for the election wanting to provide a manifesto please send
an email to the dev ml with the URL.

> If you don't know what the Gentoo Council is, you can read about it here:
> http://www.gentoo.org/proj/en/council/
> If you want to ask a question or share your thoughts, contact any of
> the election officials:
> Jorge Manuel B. S. Vicetto (jmbsvicetto)
> Łukasz Damentko (rane)
> Roy Bamford (neddyseagoon)
> Shyam Mani (fox2mike) will be doing infra magic.
> You can send us an e-mail (gentoo-elections at gentoo dot org) or find
> us on Freenode (#gentoo-elections, #gentoo-dev, so on).
> For the elections team,

- --

Jorge Vicetto (jmbsvicetto) - jmbsvicetto at gentoo dot org
Gentoo- forums / Userrel / Devrel / SPARC / KDE
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