On Monday 08 June 2009 06:35:37 Roy Marples wrote:
> Mike Frysinger wrote:
> > On Monday 08 June 2009 06:12:04 Roy Marples wrote:
> >> Mike Frysinger wrote:
> >>> On Sunday 07 June 2009 15:59:50 Robin H. Johnson wrote:
> >>>> 1. OpenRC will provide /libexec/rc/version, a text file containing the
> >>>>    version (possible including a git ID) of the release.
> >>>
> >>> that requires us to actually utilize /libexec/ which is not a Linux
> >>> convention on any system ive ever seen.
> >>
> >> OpenRC works on systems other than Linux and uses the best hierarchy it
> >> can to match them all.
> >
> > i know why you use it, but that doesnt mean Gentoo (Linux) should
> rhetorical:
> Should Gentoo (FreeBSD)?

that's for the Gentoo/BSD team to decide

> Also, should Gentoo (Linux) never break with tradition even if
> somethings are better elsewhere?

no, there is no "innovation" here nor any incentive to do so.  i also 
personally dont believe in /usr/libexec/, so i'm not going to randomly be 
convinced by /libexec/ in the meantime.

> Note, I'm not pushing for Gentoo to use /libexec at all, but you'll have
> to move the version file in the ebuild as it just won't work when you
> pass LIBEXECDIR=/lib/rc to the make targets.

if the make system doesnt have a way of controlling the root libexecdir path, 
sounds like the make system is limited and/or broken and in need of fixing

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