Ulrich Mueller wrote:
> In last week's council meeting a policy for removal of old eclasses
> has been defined:
> ,----
> | The council voted that to remove eclasses devs should take the
> | following steps:
> |    1) Deprecate eclasses.
> |    2) Removal of all functionality relating to installing.
> |    3) After two years the eclass may be removed.
> `----
> A quick scan shows that the following eclasses were deprecated more
> than three years ago, and are used by no ebuild in the tree:
>    2002-05-25   inherit.eclass
>    2003-12-11   kde-i18n.eclass
>    2004-04-16   koffice-i18n.eclass
>    2005-09-18   jakarta-commons.eclass
>    2006-02-28   php.eclass
>    2006-02-28   php-2.eclass
> Do we want to remove any of these? Have I missed other candidates?
> Ulrich

I would say that we should remove eclasses at earliest two years from
now. The benefit from removing now is near zero and there's some people
lurking around that haven't updated in ages.


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