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On 2009.05.27 13:46, Ferris McCormick wrote:
> On Tue, 2009-05-26 at 20:57 +0200, Tiziano Müller wrote:
> > This is your friendly reminder! Same bat time (typically the 2nd &
> 4th
> > Thursdays at 2000 UTC / 1600 EST), same bat channel (#gentoo-
> council
> @
> > irc.freenode.net) !
> > 
> > If you have something you'd wish for us to chat about, maybe even
> vote
> > on, let us know! Simply reply to this e-mail for the whole Gentoo
> dev
> > list to see.
> > 
> > For more info on the Gentoo Council, feel free to browse our
> homepage:
> > http://www.gentoo.org/proj/en/council/
> > 
> > 
> > Following is the preliminary meeting agenda. First we'll have to
> fill
> > the empty spot. After a short upgrade on EAPI-3 implementation we
> will
> > discuss the removal of old eclasses, followed by our old friend 
> 55.
> > If we still have time we can dive into the topic of general EAPI
> > development.
> > 
> Because Piotr recently amended GLEP55 to provide some further
> clarification and justification as well as to present a few
> alternatives
> addressing some objections people have expressed, it seems to me that
> the GLEP55 discussion should now go something like this:
> 1.  Approve the concept in principle (I think Piotr's examples
> sufficiently show the need for something along the lines set out in
> the
> revised GLEP);
> > Cheers,
> > Tiziano
> Regards,
> Ferris
> -- 
> Ferris McCormick (P44646, MI) <fmc...@gentoo.org>
> Developer, Gentoo Linux (Sparc, Userrel, Trustees)
GLEP 55 still confuses the problem and the solution.
Adding metadata to the filename is not required and is bad system 
design practice. Its also the first step on the slippery slope to 
adding more metadata in the future.

Changing the .ebuild extension, to blind existing PMs to new format 
ebuilds, is probably a good thing as it means we can have both 
formats in the tree at the same time and not wait a long time (year 
plus) for users to be on a new package manager.

This allows the EAPI to be included within the ebuild where it belongs.

That means the EAPI needs to be extracted before the ebuild is sourced, 
which from the figures bandied about on the list may take marginaly 
longer but its a price worth paying for a sound system design.
Gentoo should not repeat the VHS vs Betamax war. For those who do not 
remember, VHS was the better marketed but inferior technical solution 
that won the standards war for domestic Video recorders. 

The aims of GLEP 55 are good but the proposed implementaion is bad 
practice, so GLEP 55 should be rejected in its present form.  

- -- 

Roy Bamford
(NeddySeagoon) a member of
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