Am Dienstag, den 26.05.2009, 16:19 +0200 schrieb Robert Buchholz:
> Hello,
> the Security Team would like to create a new DTD for our GLSAs. GLSAs 
> are distributed via our web site and the tree. Their format is defined 
> by a DTD.
> When the format was initially defined in 2004, some use cases were 
> considered that never got implemented or used. Other use cases only 
> came up later. For this reason, we want to update the GLSA for the 
> needs of 2009. Since this includes changes that make existing GLSAs 
> invalid we are going to introduce a new DTD called glsa-2.dtd.
> I would like to announce the changes we want to introduce. If you have 
> any feedback, please speak up. This can include feature requests.
Maybe add a 'tag' attribute to the reference link to give them a
meaning, like:
<uri tag='upstream' link=''>...</uri>

or keeping a table of tags in the XSL and replace it on transformation:
<uri tag='samba-bugs' id='1234'>Upstream Bug 1234</uri>

not sure whether uri would be the right point for such stuff though.

>  After 
> this discussion, we would like to freeze the DTD and ask all consumers 
> of GLSA XML files (such as package managers) to implement said changes. 
> The first GLSA using the new DTD will be at the earliest six weeks 
> after the DTD was frozen. Once the new GLSA format is in use, we are 
> going to convert some or all of the existing GLSAs to use the format.

I wouldn't do that since a properly written tool should be able to
handle both versions anyway.

> Find the existing DTD here:
> The new DTD here:
> And a diff between them here:
> Here's a list of changes:
> (-) Dropping of the product type. GLSAs will be used solely to announce
>     security issues in the Portage Tree. The "infrastructure" 
>     and "informational" product type are not needed and the type 
>     attribute will be dropped altogether.
> (-) Dropping of service tag. Same rationale as above, if we
>     drop "infrastructure", we do not need the service tag.
> (-) Drop the 'name' attribute to unaffected. This is not implemented in 
>     glsa-check or Portage 2.2 and it was never part of our Policy to mix 
>     GLSAs with package moves or similar.
> (+) SLOT support. An implied attribute 'slot' to the 'vulnerable' 
>     and 'unaffected' tag will be introduced. This limits the scope of 
>     the range specifiers to ebuilds in the specified slot. The default 
>     is '*' meaning all slots.  [1]
I don't think this is really a good idea since the version may or may
not be tied to a slot (at the moment it is in most cases I know).

Looks good so far.

Tiziano Müller
Gentoo Linux Developer, Council Member
Areas of responsibility:
  Samba, PostgreSQL, CPP, Python, sysadmin, GLEP Editor
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