David Leverton wrote:

> 2009/5/17 Ben de Groot <yng...@gentoo.org>:
>> I think the way eapi-2 was introduced into the tree wasn't particularly
>> problematic. 
> I think there might be a misunderstanding here. Ciaran means functions
> provided by the package manager that ebuilds can call during metadata
> generation, for example built-in versionator-like functionality, not
> new phase functions like src_prepare and src_configure.

Ugh. Firstly versionator is a piece of bloated crap that should have died a
long time ago; all it does is stop Gentoo newbs learning the basics[1] of
their implementation language, which leaves them open to nonsensical
arguments about printf -v (glad you finally learnt that one, btw.)

Secondly, please explain fully and clearly, but concisely, why we can't
simply state that EAPI=NN allows the ebuild to use the EAPI functions in
global scope.

Bear in mind that you have to deal with the case of the mangler which can
get EAPI from an ebuild without sourcing, as portage currently can, I

Relaxing that restriction strikes me as much saner than relaxing all the
other restrictions which make interoperability easier.

(Frankly, I'm amazed at having to state that to people trusted to write a
specification. Follow up to -project on this point please, as it's about
process, not technique.)

[1] (watch wrap)
man bash /Parameter Expansion

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