2009/5/17 Thomas de Grenier de Latour <tom...@free.fr>:
> On 2009/05/17, Thomas Anderson <gentoofa...@gentoo.org> wrote:
>>     - Vote on GLEP 54
>>         This vote was called for by dertobi123. The vote was on
>> whether to approve GLEP 54 conditional on whether GLEP 55 is passed.
>> The reason for this is that GLEP 54 is unimplementable without the
>> problems mentioned in GLEP 55 being solved.
>>         Conclusion:
>>             Conditionally approved on whether GLEP 55 is approved.
> Sorry if the question has already been raised (i would be surprised it
> was not), but...  Back in january [1], it was decided that base profile
> (and thus package.mask) should stay in EAPI=0 syntax. So once you've
> approved GLEP55 (or an alternative) and introduced an EAPI with support
> for -scm suffix, how will you package.mask this new-style live ebuilds?

You set KEYWORDS="". If you need to do something in profiles with it
you can use profile eapis.

Best Regards,
Piotr Jaroszyński

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