Jorge Manuel B. S. Vicetto wrote:
> As others have commented, we should probably make this the last comment
> line in the header. Any suggestions for a specific identification string
> or do we simply use '# EAPI="X"' or use a she-bang '#!/<..> EAPI="X"' ?

Well, if a she-bang, should be the first line.  That also makes parsing a lot
more straightforward and easily defined.

>> Looks like ".eb" is already taken by some exotic commercial
>> application, but I think we can ignore this.
> I like .eb but could also live with .gebuild as was suggested before.

I'd hate to see the length grow - shrinking is better and cleaner.  :)
.gebuild is a little unwieldy IMHO.  Also, since ebuilds can be used with
distros other than gentoo itself, having the "g" there may not be a good idea.


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