Tobias Klausmann <> posted, excerpted below, on  Sat, 16
May 2009 11:27:10 +0200:

> On Fri, 15 May 2009, Ciaran McCreesh wrote:
>> or:
>>     inherit versionator
>>     if version_is_at_least 2 ; then
>>         EAPI="2"
>>     else
>>         EAPI="0"
>>     fi
> I was under the impression that it's illegal to change/set the EAPI
> after using inherit.

The short answer, based on my understanding of posts to this point, would 
be that it's illegal for Gentoo (in-tree, council decided), but not 
necessarily for all the overlays and Gentoo based projects out there.

On the one hand, as a result of the above, Gentoo doesn't have to concern 
itself with the others and can decide what's best for the Gentoo tree and 
dev-sponsored overlays presumably targeted at eventual tree inclusion.  
On the other, regardless of what Gentoo decides, PMs wishing widest 
compatibility must be prepared for it anyway.  If I'm not mistaken, 
paludis has the widest deployment footprint both in practice and by goal 
at this point, so naturally, those developing it have broader concerns 
than just Gentoo.

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