Ciaran McCreesh wrote:
> Steven J Long wrote:
>> Robert R. Russell wrote:
>> <snip>
>> > If I understand the problem GLEP 55 is trying to solve correctly,
>> > it stems from portage's assumption that an unknown EAPI is equal to
>> > EAPI 0.
>> No, portage will reject an ebuild with an unknown EAPI, as per the
>> spec.
> You're confusing the term 'unknown' here.
> Before an ebuild has had its metadata generated, its EAPI is unknown. At
> this point, the package manager assumes EAPI 0.
With the format restriction, that everyone last year seemed happy with,
apart from the few pushing GLEP-55, this isn't an issue. The mangler
*should* be scanning first for the EAPI to see if it can even handle
the rest of the ebuild (assuming it's not from the main tree or an
upstream overlay, or we're not a normal user. Developer machines rightly
need to do a bit more work, but it's not exactly onerous since portage
automatically does it for you.)

> After an ebuild has had its metadata generated, its EAPI is either
> known or unsupported, but if known may be unspecified. If it is known
> but unspecified, the package manager treats it as equivalent to EAPI 0.
Yes, empty = 0 as well-understood.

> Conceptually, these aren't the same thing.
In practical terms, this is a useless proposal. It rightly got trashed
last year. Let's just use a prefix instead of a suffix to indicate vcs,
keep branch and upstream for dep specification, not filename, to allow
inter-repo dependency for overlays for the few cases where it's actually
needed, and add debian-style epochs to guarantee future expansion.

If you have a use-case that actually requires more in a version specifier
for upstream software, please present it and explain how it cannot be
represented with the above.

In passing, I must express bewildered amusement at the idea of a format
with an unlimited amount of extensions. If you really want something so
radically different that it cannot be handled in the Gentoo scheme, or
BASH, use ONE _other_ extension.

Have a good weekend, all.

#friendly-coders -- We're friendly but we're not /that/ friendly ;-)

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