On Wed, 6 May 2009 08:49:53 +0200
Christian Faulhammer <fa...@gentoo.org> wrote:

> Hi,
> any project lead/member can post an answer to this mail for a status
> report:

I miss these. ;)


Thanks to a load of help from darkside, loki_val, fauli, and others, GCC 4.3
is now stable on our primary archs.  Thanks to a load of bug reports from
Diego, the majority of the tree got fixed, including packages that haven't
been seen since Clinton was in office.

Work continues for GCC 4.4, which was just added to the tree last weekish.
Most of this work has happened in the gcc-porting overlay which will now be
merged with the tree, and future work will be directly applied to the tree.


Mainly in maintenance mode, but that should be changing soon as the 2.9
development series is released.  Major upcoming upstream changes will
include the merging of release and debug libraries, and later on, the
disappearance of separate ansi/unicode builds.  Usage will become much
simpler, probably to the point where we don't need the
eclass/eselect/wx-config wrapper stuff any more (I hope).

2.8.10 will be in the tree as soon as wxpython makes a release.

The eclass needs some love and updating to EAPI 2, which I should have time
to do sometime soon.

gcc-porting,                                      by design, by neglect
treecleaner,                              for a fact or just for effect
wxwidgets @ gentoo     EFFD 380E 047A 4B51 D2BD C64F 8AA8 8346 F9A4 0662

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