Mounir Lamouri wrote: > Description : > Adds support for the gsm lossy speech compression codec > > Alternative description : > Adds support for the gsm lossy speech compression codec (via > media-sound/gsm) > > This use flag is used by: > media-libs/gst-plugins-bad > media-libs/mediastreamer > media-plugins/gst-plugins-farsight > media-video/ffmpeg > net-im/ekg2 > net-irc/kvirc > net-voip/linphone > net-voip/yate > net-misc/xsupplicant > net-wireless/wpa_supplicant > > For a total of 10. But only 8 are really using the global description. > The 2 last ones are using gsm use flag to enable an authentication > algorithm. > I've just fixed bug 254677 [1] who was blocking gsm USE flag globalization. This means xsupplicant and wpa_supplicant are now using eap-sim instead of gsm USE flag. We now have 8 packages using the USE flag for the same purpose.
So, I will wait a few days for hypothetical disagreement and I will do the change. [1] Thanks, Mounir