Thomas Sachau wrote:
George Prowse schrieb:
Thomas Sachau wrote:
For those, who can work with IRC and are interested in working with
ebuilds, there is already an option:
Join #gentoo-dev-help or even better #gentoo-sunrise and read the
documentation from the topic. The
Sunrise Overlay (with the #gentoo-sunrise IRC channel) is open for
everyone willing to learn and
contribute to it. Even normal users can get access, learn how to
create ebuilds, how to improve them
and how to maintain them.
As a starting point, this is a central overlay, where ebuilds are
maintained, that dont get a
developer as maintainer because of missing manpower. Additionally, all
contributors learn the ebuild
development work themselves.
And if you are willing to learn and do continuously good work, there
is a good chance that you may
level up to a developer yourself someday. You want an example? This
was my way to become a full
Gentoo developer. ;-)
So at least for ebuild maintainence, there are good starting points
(probably other projects also
have training grounds like the java or kde herds), the bigger problem
may be the communication
between potential new developers and the current developer base and
our options to become a new
I think you are missing the point. If you sit and wait for them to join
you will always be understaffed.
Go on a big dev drive! Announce it all over all the Gentoo's normal
communication channels and other generic linux places! Email some linux
magazines, talk to distrowatch, message some large LUGs. Get people
talking about it. Whatever happens, dont just sit on your hands. Tell
the users that Gentoo needs them and that they can make a difference!
If you make it a big and special occasion which is planned correctly
with a sufficient number of current developers who are willing to walk
people through how and what it means to be a Gentoo Developer then the
influx could create a new backbone of new developers who will hopefully
be here for years to come.
Such a campaign would need quite some time and i dont have this free time. So
if anyone is willing
to do the needed work, i can try to help a bit, but cannot take the work and
time myself.
The only thing i can do and currently do whenever possible is pointing people
to the sunrise project
and helping them there. And thats what i did with my mail.
I also fear that any sustained campaign would be bogged down in Gentoo's
red tape.