On Saturday 04 April 2009 13:17:56 Fabian Groffen (grobian) wrote:
> grobian     09/04/04 17:17:56
>   Modified:             toolchain-funcs.eclass
>   Log:
>   Add support for all Prefix arches, in particular for gen_usr_ld_script,
> and add AIX specific function, backport from Prefix

you really should have posted this to the toolchain alias before committing.  
and done a whitespace check as there's incorrect mixing of leading 
spaces/tabs, as well as trailing whitespace.

> +             powerpc-apple-darwin*)
> +                                     echo ppc-macos;;

these should all be on one line each

> +             # Ensure /lib/${lib} exists to avoid dangling scripts/symlinks.
> +             # This especially is for AIX where $(get_libname) can return 
> ".a",
> +             # so /lib/${lib} might be moved to /usr/lib/${lib} (by 
> accident).
> +             [[ -r "${ED}"/${libdir}/${lib} ]] || continue

the quotes are useless.  i'm assuming ${ED} is like ${D} and you're not 
reading stuff in / here.

> +             *-mint*)
> +                     # do nothing
> +                     return
> +                     ;;

this really should be at the top of the function ... doing a case statement 
inside of the for loop implies that any targets that have made it that far are 

> +# This function is for AIX only.
> +#
> +# Showing a sample IMO is the best description:

there is a documentation format for eclasses you should have used here

> +     local sources="$@"

this doesnt do what you think it does.  it's the same as "$*" which means this 
function does not handle quoted arguments properly.

> +     local tmpdir=${TMP}/keep_aix_runtime_object-$$
> +     mkdir ${tmpdir} || die

eutils already provides a function to create a temp dir

> +     local origdir=$(pwd)
> + ...
> +     cd "${origdir}"

pushd/popd exist for a reason

> +             cd ${tmpdir} || die

changing into the dir in every iteration of the loop is pointless

> +                     chmod +w ${so} &&
> +                     $(tc-getSTRIP) -e ${so} &&
> +                     $(tc-getAR) -q "${ED}${target}" ${so} &&
> +                     eend 0 ||
> +                     eend 1

everything after the chmod really needs to be intended

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