On Wed, Mar 25, 2009 at 12:30 PM, Caleb Cushing <xenoterrac...@gmail.com>wrote:

 wouldn't one problem with this be that different EeePC's have
> different hardware? I believe, that your's has an atom processor while
> older models have a celeron.

This problem would add complexity which I would tackle. I would like to
either detect which model the user has or ask the user. The larger issue
would be testing on different models. And also, you are incorrect, the 900
has a celeron and the 901 has an Atom.

> being that I'm not a gentoo dev, and although I think the project is
> worthwhile, I personally don't see that it's a gsoc worthwhile, esp
> since gentoo doesn't really do it for anything else. tbh, would this
> take more than a week to do?

I do think it would take more than a week, but I agree it would not likely
take three months. Any suggestions regarding how this could be expanded to
take more time?

> I'm not overtly familliar with the EeePC
> but it doesn't seem that unless you were highly un-gentoo-ing it that
> this would be a long process, given that I believe the architecture is
> all x86.. (maybe x86_64?)

Yes, the architecture is x86.

Aaron Lebahn

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