Hello :)

I've created some KVM images to aid Gentoo Developers and
the KDE herd in ebuild development and maintainance.

Two images are currently available: [1]
an X-less ~x86 with various tools preinstalled [like layman]
a copy of the first ~x86 with kdebase-meta[kdeprefix] and a
few other packages installed on top of it

The portage tree is in a separate image, along with binary
packages of most stuff installed in the two images.
(a bz2 of the tree is in /usr just in case)

The images are available at dev.gentooexperimental.org [1].
Please read the README [2] for instructions and more information :)

An image with -kdeprefix kde is also en route.

I would really appreciate feedback on the images:
* things you liked
* things missing
* things you'd do differently
either through these mailing lists or in freenode/#gentoo-kde
so I can make future revisions better and more useful!

Alex Alexander (wired)
Gentoo KDE Team Herd Tester

[1] http://dev.gentooexperimental.org/~wired/kvm/
[2] http://dev.gentooexperimental.org/~wired/kvm/README.txt

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