On Tue, 03 Mar 2009 17:47:58 +0100
Alex Legler <a...@gentoo.org> wrote:

> Hey,
> we have some changes to be made in gems.eclass for Ruby 1.9.1.
> Basically this introduces the possibility to install gems for multiple
> versions of Ruby.
> If anyone feels like reviewing, please review the following
> changes: ;)

> +     # I'm not sure how many ebuilds have correctly set USE_RUBY - let's 
> assume
> +     # ruby18 if they haven't, since even pure Ruby gems that have been 
> written
> +     # against 1.8 can explode under 1.9.
> +     if [[ -z "${USE_RUBY}" ]]; then
> +             USE_RUBY="ruby18"
> +     elif [[ "${USE_RUBY}" == "any" ]]; then
> +             # Get the installed versions.
> +             USE_RUBY=`ls /usr/bin/ruby* | grep -E 'ruby1(8|9)' | sed -e 
> 's@/usr/bin/@@g'`
>       fi
> +     local num_ruby_slots=$(echo "${USE_RUBY}" | wc -w)
> +
> +     for ruby_version in ${USE_RUBY} ; do
> +             # Check that we have the version installed
> +             [[ -e "/usr/bin/${ruby_version/ruby/gem}" ]] || continue

In the case that USE_RUBY is set to something funky, it never gets handled.  
The eclass
basically just does nothing.  This might be what you want,  but if not, how 
about something

        local my_ruby
        if [[ -n ${USE_RUBY} ]]; then
                if [[ ${USE_RUBY} == "any" ]]; then
                        for i in /usr/bin/ruby1*; do
                                [[ -f ${i} ]] && my_ruby="${my_ruby} ${i}"
                elif [[ -x /usr/bin/${USE_RUBY} ]]; then
                        die "Some error message about a bad USE_RUBY value"
        set -- ${my_ruby}
        local num_ruby_slots=...@}

> +             einfo "Installing for ${ruby_version}..."
> +             gems_location ${ruby_version}
> +             dodir ${GEMSDIR}

|| die

> +             if [[ -d "${D}/${GEMSDIR}/bin" ]] ; then
> +                     exeinto /usr/bin
> +                     for exe in "${D}"/${GEMSDIR}/bin/* ; do
> +                             if [ "$num_ruby_slots" -ge 2 ] ; then
> +                                     # Ensures that the exe file gets run 
> using the currently
> +                                     # selected version of ruby.
> +                                     sed -i -e 
> 's...@^#!/usr/bin/ruby...@#!/usr/bin/ruby@' "${exe}"
> +                             fi
> +                             doexe "${exe}"

|| die

gcc-porting,                                      by design, by neglect
treecleaner,                              for a fact or just for effect
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