On Wed, Mar 04, 2009 at 02:32:13AM -0500, Caleb Cushing wrote:
> > Further, overlays are good places to put ebuilds for software that is more
> > experimental than what's expected for ~arch. That includes live ebuilds. In 
> > the
> > end, overlays have a (far) lower level of guaranteed quality than the main 
> > tree,
> > for their ebuilds
> because ~arch is supposed to work? take open bug on wine-1.1.16 it
> doesn't build on amd64 and yet it's ~amd64. how about that nam ebuild
> that has invalid bash that I mentioned? that's some quality work
> there. The point is the tree is no better or worse than the overlays
> in many cases.

Heh, that's the problem with ~arch. ~amd64 keywords aren't added for
every new version; keywords are carried over from the previous version.
Having to test each new version of a package before it receiving a
keyword puts far too much stress on the arch teams(who are struggling
under the current workload, a lot of >75 stable request bugs). What
happens is the keyword gets carried over from the previous version. So
if a developer screws up, the arch teams really have no idea because 1)
we don't get assigned any bug with our keyword in it. 2) We don't run

Thomas Anderson
Gentoo Developer
Areas of responsibility:
AMD64, Secretary to the Gentoo Council

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