
I'm collecting ideas from the wider development and contributing
community on how to help maintainers and contributors get work done
quicker, or rephrased - how to get more done in the limited time we

This basically means ideas for tools, scripts, or functionality in some
hypothetical centralized maintainer helper website or GUI/CLI program
that would help save time in taking care of some of the gruntwork that
gets done by maintainers right now manually or by scripts that don't get
shared and re-used and generalized as much as they could.

Then afterwards I can sort through the suggestions/ideas, try to make a
summary and arrange some of them to actually happen.

If things get done quicker, there is theoretically more available time,
which hopefully would translate into being able to bring us back to the
bleeding edge in one hand, and high quality in another.

I have intentionally left out my own ideas at start to keep everyone's
mind open to various approaches to this.

Please share your thoughts and ideas as a reply here, on my matching
blog post as comments or via private e-mail!

Mart Raudsepp
Gentoo Developer
Mail: l...@gentoo.org
Weblog: http://planet.gentoo.org/developers/leio

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