>>>>> On Wed, 18 Feb 2009, Alexis Ballier wrote:

> Then, for the nth time, what would be the good solution? How would
> one convert prepalldocs usage to something allowed? I've failed to
> find anything about it in the relevant bug and the only answer I've
> seen is "remove it". You can count on me for marking any prepalldocs
> removal bug I'll be the assignee as wontfix as long as there won't
> be any alternative solution.

> Note that I would consider a viable solution banning prepalldocs and
> simply removing it if portage was compressing docs by its own or
> calling prepalldocs after src_install... but then IMHO that's the
> removal of prepalldocs that would require an EAPI bump not its
> reintroduction.

I think a viable solution would consist of two parts:
1. Add some exclude mechanism to prepalldocs, as suggested in
   bug 164114 [1].
2. Have Portage call prepalldocs by default (in prepall).

This way, everything installed under /usr/share/doc would be
compressed by default (honouring the user's setting of
PORTAGE_COMPRESS). Any package that needs literal, uncompressed files
in /usr/share/doc could specify this via the exclude mechanism.

Obviously, this is an incompatible change and would require an EAPI


[1] <http://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=164114>

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