I would keep existing categories and add a new TAG metadata to existing
ebuilds. Something like TAG="kde music player lyrics lastfm
visualization" for amarok, as example.

A public list of *ALLOWED* tags would be published on our www

Then during the portage metadata regeneration process, a new tags dir
(under portage metadata dir) would be created with files for EACH tag.
Each tag file would include the fully qualified name for the ebuilds in
which the tag is present.

This way, given a set of tags, it is easy and fast too lookup which
ebuilds match the given tags and how much (percentage) they match them.

For example:
The user searches for "music gnome lyrics"

exaile is tagged as "(...) music gnome lyrics"
gnome-mplayer is tagged as "(...) music gnome"
amarok is tagged as "(...) music lyrics"

So we can give an interest-ordered list to the user.

Just my two cents,
Thanks all
Angelo Arrifano <mik...@gentoo.org>
Gentoo Linux ARM/OMAP850 Developer

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