Dale pisze:
> Norberto Bensa wrote:
>> On Wed, Jan 21, 2009 at 9:28 PM, Mateusz Mierzwinski (me.matheos.org)
>> <mateuszmierzwin...@o2.pl> wrote:
>>> Now I'm pissed off!
>> Yeah I know the feeling, but after almost 7 years I'm still using
>> Gentoo. Why? 'Cos it keep my brain working.
>> Ubuntu is great, but it does everything on it's own. Then, you loose
>> (lose?) control.
>> Ubuntu has -how much?- 100x man power of Gentoo? They're based on
>> Debian, and if that is not enough, a commercial company behind them.
>> Of course you'll get things done that way. They use the work from
>> Debian devs, and money from Canonical. Gentoo is based on... Gentoo :)
>> and AFAIK, no commercial company gives them money to develop Gentoo.
>> Ranting will not make things work, so please, calm down and use that
>> energy in something more useful. Report bugs, search patches, post
>> them in bugzilla. Do whatever you think will help Gentoo better.
>> Bye,
>> Norberto
> I don't reply on here much so please forgive me this one, and maybe a
> few more in the future. 
> One, Gentoo grows on a person.  If you are not willing to try it for at
> least a couple months and put in the effort to learn it, don't even try
> it.  You are wasting time.  Two, I bet there is a easy fix to his
> problem with regard to the error he posted.  Most likely a known one at
> that.  Third, he should try the latest portage that takes care of blocks
> very well.  It may not be stable yet but it has worked so far and I
> suspect it would work for him as well. 
> It's funny how a person can run into one issue and then blame everyone
> else for them not doing a little research.  I also didn't see him post
> on -user to see if there is a workaround for his problem either.  Maybe
> he needs to try Windoze.  O_O
> While I am here, as a user of Gentoo for about 5 years or so, thanks for
> all the good work.  There have been a lot of curves and bumps but ya'll
> do some super coding to say it lightly!  Wish I was filthy rich.  I
> would send all the devs a new rig to play with.  Maybe even the MIPS
> folks too.  LOL  Just wishing tho.  I'm not even sure what a MIPS is tho
> I suspect they are old. 
> Dale
> :-)  :-) 
> < Dale goes back to his hole now >

Ok, You all Say that Gentoo need to be FIXED. I have a question - how
OpenGL, SDL, C/C++, Java, Asembler and Pascal programmer can help? I'm
sick of something not working (from list or others). That things must work.

BTW. Add --disable-gcc-check to Qemu ebuild with some like "noccheck"
USE flag - this will work.

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