Fabio Rossi <ross...@inwind.it> posted
200812310112.24019.ross...@inwind.it, excerpted below, on  Wed, 31 Dec
2008 01:12:23 +0100:

> I'm proposing to reorganize the files related to Gentoo inside /var/lib.
> Currently we have this situation (at least on my system):
> /var/lib/eselect
> /var/lib/gentoo/enews
> /var/lib/herdstat/
> /var/lib/module-rebuild
> /var/lib/portage
> The main dir should be something like /var/lib/gentoo [...]

Except that... in theory, some or all of those apps could technically be 
used on/for other distributions and platforms as well.

Few/none of the other apps, regardless of which distribution they started 
on, are in directories based on distribution name, I don't believe it 
fits FHS (as genone pointed out), and while there may be reasons to break 
standards on occasion, they need to be pretty good to justify the hassle 
and confusion, and frankly, I just don't see this as being that good.

Portage is certainly a candidate for other distributions/platforms, and 
eselect and genkernel (I guess that's what owns module-rebuild?) could be 
as well, particularly on Gentoo based distributions.

Herdstat doesn't appear to be in the Gentoo tree any longer, so that can 
be eliminated from the list.

Even the one that's currently under gentoo, enews, arguably doesn't 
belong there, since I see files from other overlays there, and some 
overlays are independent and may be in fact ultimately targeted primarily 
at distributions other than Gentoo.

Duncan - List replies preferred.   No HTML msgs.
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