Maciej Mrozowski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> posted
[EMAIL PROTECTED], excerpted below, on  Mon, 01 Dec
2008 06:16:07 +0100:

> Implementation:
> Implementation would be provided by build system eclasses [snip]

FEATURES are package-manager implemented, above the bash level where 
eclasses are parsed and executed, thus for portage, at the python level.  
As such, neither /etc/portage/env nor eclasses can effectively deal with 
FEATURES in general, tho there are a few specific exceptions that do 
happen to be implemented at the bash level.

Thus, your GLEP (Gentoo Linux Enhancement Proposal) needs to specifically 
address this problem, either stating that this FEATURE can be implemented 
100% at the bash/eclass level with details, or omitting/changing the 
FEATURE portion so it will work at the bash/eclass level, or outlining 
specifically what the package manager implementation must be.  (Of 
course, if it's the latter, it will need to be an official GLEP, and 
you'll have three separate package managers and their developers to push 
the proposal thru to at least to general agreement, or the council will 
almost certainly reject the GLEP, if it gets even that far.)

Duncan - List replies preferred.   No HTML msgs.
"Every nonfree program has a lord, a master --
and if you use the program, he is your master."  Richard Stallman

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