On Sun, Oct 19, 2008 at 08:47:15AM -0500, Jeremy Olexa wrote:
> Robin H. Johnson wrote:
>> Notes:
>> ------
>> 1. For handling <herd>no-herd</herd>, we should add an entry into 
>> herds.xml to
>>    catch it (maintainer-needed <at> g.o). Every herd listed in an ebuild 
>> MUST be in
>>    herds.xml.
> As rbu pointed out, this is slightly incorrect. Most of my ebuilds contain 
> no-herd. ;) As do others.
Ok, I realize that I missed a case here, that was mentioned in the very
first proposal. 

>> 2. Herds that do not wish to be contacted for specific bugs should add an
>>    maintainer element stating that (and use 'ignoreauto' on the element).
>>    This case however should be very rare, as the package probably doesn't
>>    belong in the herd if the herd doesn't care about it.
>> 3. If you want the default assignment to go to a maintainer, and NOT the 
>> herd,    move the <herd> element further down in the metadata.xml!
> AFAIK, "default" now it is assign to maintainer and cc herd and nearly 
> always herd is higher up in the file. So, [nearly] all ebuilds will have to 
> change metadata.xml
How about the following variation to rules:
3. If the herd is "no-herd" AND the metadata contains another herd or
   maintainer element, drop the "no-herd" entry from computation.

I'll answer about the default in the other thread.

> OT, Do the changes to the bugzie interface block bugzilla 3 migration?
Unknown, but I would suspect not.

Robin Hugh Johnson
Gentoo Linux Developer & Infra Guy
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