Petteri Räty wrote:

> Icedtea has two release tracks. One for the 1.7 OpenJDK code base and
> one for the 1.6 code base. They have independent version numbering so
> they can have collisions. By moving the slot to the file name we could
> have icedtea-1.2:1.6.ebuildN and icedtea-1.2:1.7.ebuildN. This
> particular situation can be worked around of course but it might also be
> better to keep the slot in the file name any way because I often find
> myself needing to know the slot of an ebuild (adjutrix -k of course
> already does this for me quite nicely).
Debian-style epochs are a _much_ cleaner solution:

(eix does quite nicely at displaying slots, too.)

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