Jorge Manuel B. S. Vicetto wrote:

> The next step was to use a kdeprefix use flag[2]. This flag no longer
> touches the SLOT that is set to "4" for all kde-4.X versions. It only
> determines if the package will be installed under the FHS compliant
> location (/usr) or under the old location (/usr/kde/<version>). This
> however means the users will no longer have the option to have more than
> one kde-4.X version installed.
If that stops _all_ users from doing so, I'd vote against.

> I've been thinking on a different method. With this method [3], we would
> keep using the <major>.<minor> slots (4.1, 4.2, etc) so we also wouldn't
> break the invariancy. We would allow users to select whether to have an
> FHS compliant install or not (the way to allow that still needs to be
> discussed) and we would set the prefix based on that. In case the user
> wants an FHS compliant install, the eclasses would block all kde
> packages on other slots - except 3.5 (uses other eclasses) and the live
> versions (for the above reason that it will always be installed under
> /usr/kde/<live-version>). One way to decide whether to install on an FHS
> compliant location would be to add a use flag, but I don't think adding
> that flag for 200+ ebuilds makes sense as it doesn't make sense to have
> 1 version of some packages and possibly 2 or more of other packages.
Perhaps FHS is more of a feature than a USE flag? It certainly could apply
to other packages, and as you say adding and maintaining the USE flag
to/for so many ebuilds is a bit of a pain.
> So, what am I after in this email? After having an internal discussion
> and then opening it up to users in #gentoo-kde and a few other people on
> #gentoo-portage, it was suggested I sent a mail here to open this
> discussion to everyone and to present the case in a more clear manner.
> So, can anyone suggest a good way to accomplish what were trying to do?
> At least a better solution than the ones I've presented above?

Just a thought, but this sounds an awful lot like a prefix ebuild. Is there
any relevance from grobian's work?

Wrt to the blocks, it doesn't strike me that major iff the user has set FHS
in FEATURES (or w/e the mechanism is) since in that case they will be on
the "manage everything for me, for this install" track.

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