Hi folks, Sorry that it's taken this long to get completed, but the Jeeves replacement, Willikins, is finally 99% done, and ready to join lots of channels.
Getting the bot out there ------------------------- If you would like to have the new bot in your #gentoo-* channel, would each channel founder/leader please respond to this thread, stating the channel name, and that they are the contact for any problems/troubles. Bug reports ----------- Please open a bug in the Gentoo Infrastructure product, using the 'Other' component, and assign it directly to me. Custom bot functionality: ------------------------- Here's all the functionality that we have assembled, beyond the standard rbot stuff. Bugzilla ======== !bug [ZILLA] ID Looks up bug #ID in the per-channel default or specified bugzilla. !bugstats [ZILLA] Totals of bugs per the bugzilla 'status' field. !archstats [ZILLA] [STATUS] [RESO] Totals of bugs per architecture, optionally with some specific set of status or resolution values, comma delimited. status = OPEN, DONE, UNCONFIRMED,NEW,ASSIGNED,REOPENED, RESOLVED, VERIFIED, CLOSED Reso = FIXED, INVALID, WONTFIX, LATER, REMIND, DUPLICATE, WORKSFORME, CANTFIX, NEEDINFO, TEST-REQUEST, UPSTREAM zilla = gentoo xine sourcemage redhat mozilla kernel fdo abisource apache kde gnome If you want another bugzilla, file a bug. Gentoo-specific =============== !meta [-v] [CAT/]PACKAGE Print the metadata and optionally herd members for a given package. !changelog [CAT/]PACKAGE Changelog stats for a package !devaway list List all away developers. !devaway DEVNAME Display .away message for a single developer. !herd HERD Show herd members !expn NAME Show the expansion of any public Gentoo mail alias !glsa GLSAID Shows the title and external IDS for any given GLSA ID. !earch [CAT/]PACKAGE Earch output for a given package !rdep [CAT/]PACKAGE Reverse RDEPEND for a given package !ddep Reverse DEPEND for a given package What isn't supported yet ------------------------ 1. !glsa -s TEXT This used to search for GLSAs that matched that string in their title or external IDS. 2. New bug announcements Jeeves used to announce brand new bugs to #gentoo-bugs as well as targeted channels or users, depending on the product, component, assignee, cc and a number of other factors (deeply nested if/else trees). The old implementation had this in code entirely, and it would be nice to avoid having to modify the code whatsoever, and instead have some domain-specific language for doing this. Source availability ------------------- Gentoo specific: http://git.overlays.gentoo.org/gitweb/?p=proj/rbot-gentoo.git Bugzilla support: http://git.overlays.gentoo.org/gitweb/?p=proj/rbot-bugzilla.git (flameeyes has his own tree as well, but he's been sick lately, so it was lagging behind my development) Right now, if you want to run your own instance of the bot, you will need the latest Git tree of the rBot itself, as upstream only fixed the last remaining issue a couple of hours ago. Thanks to --------- solar: Running the old Jeeves Eggdrop till now, and helping to document all of the Eggdrop functionality we used. flameeyes: Bugzilla plugin development halcy0n: Gentoo-specific stuff tango_, jsn-: (rbot upstream developers) For fixing the bugs as I found them :-). -- Robin Hugh Johnson Gentoo Linux Developer & Infra Guy E-Mail : [EMAIL PROTECTED] GnuPG FP : 11AC BA4F 4778 E3F6 E4ED F38E B27B 944E 3488 4E85
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