Donnie Berkholz wrote:
> On 13:23 Thu 31 Jul     , Stuart Longland wrote:
>>      An alternative however, I'd like to propose is the addition of a 'lm2e'
>> local USE flag to the affected ebuilds
> Stuart,
> I'm glad to hear you've made progress on this and gotten things working!
> As soon as you get this code upstream, I will be happy to add these 
> patches. I'm not interested in adding patches that aren't upstream yet 
> to any X packages.

No worries, is there any specific channel ideal for doing this?  The
patches have been kicking around in overlays for a while, it's just
recently that I've decided to do anything about them.

Ultimately going upstream with them was an option I was considering once
I knew they wouldn't break other MIPS systems.  At this stage, I haven't

> I looked at the xf86-video-ati patch in the loongson overlay and it's 
> huge. It's clearly GPL-licensed, presumably from the GATOS project, and 
> that makes it unacceptable for upstream. I'm presuming it is straight 
> from the GATOS folks and thus is just adding TV-out.

IIRC it works without that patch, but I may have included it to try and
get hardware OpenGL going. (it *almost* works... Quake II runs for 5
seconds before the video card dies.  During this time, frame rates are

> The libdrm and xorg-server patches look more reasonable and shouldn't be 
> terribly problematic to get upstream.

The critical one is xorg-server for general usage.  I'll have to see if
there's a newer patch available.

Stuart Longland (aka Redhatter)              .'''.
Gentoo Linux/MIPS Cobalt and Docs Developer  '.'` :
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   .'.'             :.'

I haven't lost my mind...'s backed up on a tape somewhere.

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