On 19:33 Thu 05 Jun     , Roy Bamford wrote:
> I don't want to nominate anyone who hasn't been nominated already.
> I would like to address all the candidates who have or will accept 
> council nominations.

I just got to this because I was on vacation and I've been busy getting 
work done since I got back.

> 1. Please tell us how/if you plan to fix GLEP 39. (You may not consider 
> it broken)

I think Rich Freeman made a good point -- having attendance requirements 
without requirements about method of notification is a problem.

> 2. As one of the first priorities will be setting policy for pending 
> appeals what policy do you propose ?

The one I already did propose and the council approved.

> 3. If you are not on the council already, how will you make time for 
> the extra work?

N/A -- although I will say that creating the agenda (with the included 
research) and chairing meetings is significantly more work than being 
any other council member at this point in time.

> 4. How do you think the council and trustees can work together to make 
> Gentoo better? Not just the code base but the cooperative environment 
> we all work together in too. Disclosure - I have a personal interest 
> in responses as a trustee.
> 5. Tell us a little about yourself - the skills and experience you can 
> bring to the council?

- I stay calm under fire.

- I've got extensive training in problem solving and logical thought, 
from programming to journalism to my in-progress biochemistry Ph.D.

- "Strong opinions, weakly held." - A borrowed description I really like

- I write clearly and concisely.

- I recently had my 5-year anniversary as a Gentoo developer, and I'm 
among the most active devs.

> 6. Tell us one outstanding (in your own mind) contribution you made to 
> Gentoo in the last year.

If your X is still running, you already know. =)

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