Hi guys,

The voting part of the election has just started and will last for
next two weeks (until July 4th, 23:59 UTC).

In case you forgot, here are the rules:

All active Gentoo developers are eligible to vote. To do that, you
should login to dev.gentoo.org and run the following commands:

    1. votify --new council2008 - This creates a new ballot in your homedir.
    2. Edit the .ballot-council2008 file and rank the candidates.
    3. Once you're sure, run votify --verify council2008 to check the
validity of the ballot.
    4. If that goes through fine, the next and final step is to submit
your vote using votify --submit council2008
    5. If you're stuck, use votify --help or go to #gentoo-elections
(on freenode) and ask officials for help

Good luck and thank you for all your votes.

Kind regards,

Łukasz Damentko

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