On Fri, 2008-06-13 at 11:27 +0100, Ciaran McCreesh wrote:
> > Well, then it should be updated to match current Portage behaviour.
> > PMS is not supposed to document "How portage worked at one point of
> > time" or "The intersection of the capabilities of Portage and
> > Paludis". It should follow the current portage's behaviour as closely
> > as possible.
> Do you really want to make it impossible to install Gentoo using the
> most recent official release? Because that's what will happen if we do
> what you're suggesting...

Considering that the "most recent official release" is 2008.0_beta2, I
don't see where you have a point, at all.

Sure, you're going to mention something about being labeled a beta, to
which my response will be that you're simply backpedaling and changing
the facts to suit your needs.  After all, looking at /releases on the
mirrors, I see a nice and shiny 2008.0_beta2 on all of the
officially-supported arches.

Isn't it about time that you gave up on your little mission to
consistently undermine the hard work put in by a community of

Of course not... You need to stroke your ego some more.  Pfft...

Chris Gianelloni
Release Engineering Strategic Lead
Games Developer

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