Ciaran McCreesh wrote:
On Mon, 09 Jun 2008 11:49:35 +0200 Luca Barbato <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:Ciaran McCreesh wrote:On Mon, 09 Jun 2008 10:50:11 +0200 Luca Barbato <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:So how, specifically, is PMS "wrongly written", and why hasn't anyone who thinks so bothered to provide details?- rewrite it as an rfc using a markup among xmlrfc, docbook, guidexml.What technical reason is there to use a markup that's more work for those of us doing the writing? Writing XML is a huge pain in the ass compared to latex.More people can understand those markupsI've yet to see anyone have any difficulties with Tex.they are consistent with the gentoo documentationGuideXML can't even begin to cover our requirements. Simple example: try to rewrite the following in GuideXML: ---START--- Global variables must only contain invariant values (see~\ref{metadata-invariance}). If a global variable's value is invariant, it may have the value that would be generated at any given point in the build sequence. This is demonstrated by code listing~\ref{lst:env-saving}. \lstinputlisting[float,caption=Environment state between functions,label=lst:env-saving]{env-saving.listing} ---END---
Let's change all that hideous, barely readable multiple brace/bracket abuse into something more human-readable, shall we?
--- <p>Global variables must only contain invariant values (see <uri link="#metadata-invariance">link</uri>). If a global variable's value is
invariant, it may have the value that would be generated at any given point in the build sequence. </p> <p> This is demonstrated by the following: </p> <pre caption="Environment state between functions" id="env-saving"> bunch o'neat code </pre> ---Oh, and that "id" is entirely optional; GuideXML is smart enough to keep track of successive code blocks, so you automatically have numerical inter/intra document links, as I'll demonstrate at the end of this email.
GuideXML has moved on, while you seem to be stuck in the past. For example, look at all the neat things we can do especially for ebuild syntax highlighting.[1] Might want to read the rest of that document, while you're at it.
Thanks for playing; you lose. [1]
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