> >> Except you'd rather veto the ones you don't like. Hehe... It must
> >> suck being
> >> you, wanting to veto people and not being able to do it :)
> >
> > I trust the masses to do the sensible thing and not vote for people
> > who'd be bad for the project.  Hopefully that means we get the Council
> > from last year, with one or two new faces?
> Hopefully everyone would be 'new' and only a couple of people (if not
> less) repeat. This council hasn't really done anything right.

I think we are losing site of the point here, that being council nominations
and soliciting those nominees for their views on matters that any of us find

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but how we share those opinions
is a privilege not a right. Read: insults, attacks, and abrasive behavior
are not acceptable and DevRel will not tolerate this. I encourage someone to
talk about what they feel the next council could do better, or even list
examples where they feel our current council went wrong, in their eyes; but
do so in a manner that provokes civil discussion so we may all be the better
for it.

Kind regards,
Christina Fullam
Gentoo Developer Relations Lead | Gentoo Public Relations 

gentoo-dev@lists.gentoo.org mailing list

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