-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 Richard Freeman wrote: | Duncan wrote: |> Ryan Hill <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> posted |> [EMAIL PROTECTED], excerpted below, on |> Tue, 03 |> Jun 2008 22:26:20 -0600: |> |>> AFAIR nominating has always been open to anyone, dev and user alike. |> |> Which does make sense. Giving the community nomination power gives |> them some input, while limiting the actual power and damage potential, |> since they can't vote on their nominees, only devs do. As with any |> nominee, if the devs don't like them, they simply vote for someone |> else. No harm done unless the devs consent to it. |> | | Agreed, but since there is a trend towards taking everything literally | these days I do want to point out that this opens up a DoS attack - you | could end up with a ballot 40 miles long if people use throwaway email | addresses to make and second and accept nominations. |
Richard, you're forgetting that only devs can be nominated and that one has to accept a nomination to be part of the ballot. At most, you could have the total number of devs on the ballot and that is something you can't prevent. | Normally I'd just assume that if this were to happen common sense would | prevail and these nominations would be excluded, but since there is a | trend towards policy-trumps-sense perhaps the policy should be that | anybody can nominate, but only devs can second a nomination? After all, | if not even one dev supports a nomination what is the point of putting | it on a ballot that only devs vote on? We could call the policy | G:ACNBDMS (Gentoo: Anybody can nominate but devs must second) in tribute | to another project where ability to quote policy is becoming more | important than ability to add value... :) No need to complex rules here. See above point. - -- Regards, Jorge Vicetto (jmbsvicetto) - jmbsvicetto at gentoo dot org Gentoo- forums / Userrel / SPARC / KDE -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v2.0.9 (GNU/Linux) Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org iEYEARECAAYFAkhGfDEACgkQcAWygvVEyAKC4wCaAm7hWHj82wV+oHQxi8H+XigL jfoAmwWt77qtSTvmDI9juBT0jkCPp8Yl =OEOJ -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- -- gentoo-dev@lists.gentoo.org mailing list