Santiago M. Mola a écrit :
On Fri, May 30, 2008 at 9:16 AM, Mike Auty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I've been using it for a pretty long time now (probably a couple weeks
after Diego first blogged about it) and don't have many problems at all
(now), but every once in a while a version bump or a new package will
just fail to compile properly and the problem leads back to as-needed.
I'm not sure whether ~arch users would be able to catch all the
as-needed bugs before they hit stable, so I couldn't say whether it
should be enabled by default or not.

Our experience in the gnome herd is that most --as-needed issues come up *very* quickly: either the build fails, or application plugins don't get loaded. As such, they're quite easy to catch. Fixing them can be trickier.

--as-needed breaking legitimate code is a problem, though. I wonder if
we have that kind of code in any application in the tree and if we
have some way to detect it.

--as-needed breaks legitimate C++ code, I have yet to see it break plain C code (but I could be wrong). Ciaran posted an example code a while ago, either here or on his blog.

His example is valid C++ code (basically it was about implicitly loading .so plugins) but IMHO, it's just not a good engineering practice. Plugin loading should be explicit (readdir + dlopen). But that's my opinion. There could be a couple other odd cases but I don't remember them.

All I can say is that --as-needed *today* does much more good than harm.


Rémi Cardona
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