On Saturday 24 May 2008 00:01:20 Arun Raghavan wrote:
> http://gitorious.org/projects/g-py-split/repos/mainline/blobs/g-py-split/eclass/gnome-python-common.eclass

Comments to quoted parts of the eclass below...


From the comments above it I get the impression that the wildcard is 


> RDEPEND="[...]
>        =dev-python/${G_PY_PN}-base-${PV}"

This should probably at least be ~dev-python/${G_PY_PN}-base-${PV} so you don't
have to change the eclass whenever you do a revision bump to the base package.

>        if hasq examples ${USE}; then

This should certainly be:

if hasq examples ${IUSE} && use examples; then

It's not clear to me whether you intended to add examples to IUSE for all
ebuilds in which case IUSE="examples" should be added to the eclass too...
Otherwise all ebuilds that use it must add it to IUSE manually.

>        python_mod_optimize 
> /usr/$(get_libdir)/python${PYVER}/site-packages/gtk-2.0

Ideally this code would make you inherit multilib explicitly too.

Bo Andresen
Gentoo KDE Dev

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