Mark Loeser wrote:
> Making an actual bug wrangling team (subproject of QA) is something
> I've been toying around with in my head.  I'd love to get an actual team
> set up so we can encourage users to help us get the information we need
> in bugs so it is less work for us.  Several other distributions have
> such projects, so we have something we can use as a template.
I brought this up last year[1][2] wrt WINE triage. GNOME has a similar thing
ofc, so Gentoo devs are used to working with this model. Irrespective, it
doesn't preclude the need for a good bugmaster[3] but should be seen as
complementary to that person (it's rarely more than one apparently) iow to
support that person in their work.

That requires non-technical things (*cough* follow-up) like a sense of
teamwork, and not looking down on people who don't have cvs commit access.
Of course those also make it more likely that people will want to volunteer
for triage, or indeed anything else (which can be a virtuous circle.) I'd
moot Patrick as a useful bod because he can automate much of this.


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