On Sun, Apr 27, 2008 at 11:12 PM, Chrissy Fullam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Wulf C. Krueger wrote:
>  As this change directly affects developers only, please take further
>  discussion to the Gentoo-core ML.

I'd like to, but I appear to have been unsubscribed from that list.
Assuming that my retirement and this change in policy are not
unrelated, I'm afraid you appear to have not followed your own policy.
The new policy reads: "The critical nature of an escalation may be
determined by the Developer Relations Lead or Infrastructure, for
security-related issues, that which would endanger Gentoo, or our
reputation. An issue that is deemed critical does not need further
justification in addition to stating which of the above situations it
falls under." In the email you sent kindly sent me informing me of my

> In light of the escalation and review of recent issues, you have had your
> developer rights revoked for your repeated and aggravated behavior despite
> numerous attempts to correct that. Gentoo will not tolerate these continued
> repeat offenses and as such Developer Relations has acted under Developer
> Policy:
> http://www.gentoo.org/proj/en/devrel/policy.xml. Per that policy you have
> the right to appeal this decision to Gentoo Council.

You make no mention of the issue being critical, or under which of the
two criteria I should have been retired under.

Please ask infra to restore my access until such time as you are able
to follow your own policy for conflict resolution. I'll be waiting for
a proper bug that I can read that explains what I did to whom, and
when and how they complained.

Richard Brown
gentoo-dev@lists.gentoo.org mailing list

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