Ciaran McCreesh pisze:
On Wed, 16 Apr 2008 09:56:04 +0200
"Mateusz A. Mierzwiński" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
My Prof from US used to say - if something is working good why we
should replace it? When we do that we can be "sent to the tree with
bananas straighting proposition" by OS.
Blocks do not work:
* It's often not obvious what the user's supposed to do to resolve a
* Once the user has worked out how to resolve the block correctly, it's
often hard to do so since resolving some blocks is best done by
forcibly ignoring the block, doing the install and then doing the
* It's often not obvious why a block is even there.
* They force the user to do a lot of work that isn't really necessary.
The package manager can be told how to resolve the block in many cases,
and the package manager can, with the user's permission, do all the
work is itself.
Yes, You have right but I have thinking about something like OPTION for
emerge or switch to enable that function. Emerge could provide two
options of working - with replace and with sending error. Maybe switch
like "--force-install"?
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