Mike Frysinger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> posted
[EMAIL PROTECTED], excerpted below, on  Sun, 30 Mar
2008 20:39:14 -0400:

> there is no package-manager specificness here.  it's already completely
> doable from a user perspective, just having it in the ebuild makes my
> life and users' lives easier.  i'm using it in packages that tend to
> have a lot of extraneous patchsets associated with them.  the random
> patches were punted from ebuilds and now it's up to the user to maintain
> the feature sets.

I've been working with upstream, various users, and Dan Rahn from 
OpenSuSE (who has been absolutely great to work with, especially so since 
he can do the coding I can't), on glib-2.16 and gcc-4.3 compatibility 
patches for net-nntp/pan, and something like this would certainly make my 
life a lot easier.  FWIW the Gentoo bugs are 21160 and 214446, with half 
the story on the pan-user list (which is developer oriented too right now 
since the stable build is ancient so most users are on the beta releases 
or SVN).

The point here though is that particularly for the glib patch, which has 
undergone several rounds of testing and looks set for another round or 
two at least, this user patch infrastructure would sure be nice!

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